Professor & Author

Bryan Murawski (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) is an Associate Professor at Cairn University. He preaches at Riverstone Church in Yardley, PA.

He is the author of several books, including Preaching Difficult Texts of the Old Testament and 1 Peter: A Commentary for Biblical Preaching & Teaching (with Tim Miller).

Dr. Bryan Murawski

  • "We shouldn’t be wasting our life on the pursuit of money or fame or promotion. We should be spending our life doing spiritual things, seeking spiritual things, being a spiritual person."

    Pastor Bryan

  • "Scrub yourselves of paganism, of idolatry, of worldly pleasure, of lust, of greed, of gluttony, of drunkenness, of ungodly anger, of gossip, of bitter hearts and twisted lies"

    Pastor Bryan - Sermon in Exodus

  • “We live by faith in Jesus Christ! He paid the penalty for our sin. He lived a righteous life and His righteousness is now our own!”

    Pastor Bryan - Sermon in Galatians